Erik Johns


Revamp Your Home's Exterior with a Spring Refresh

Revamp Your Home's Exterior with a Spring Refresh. Get Ahead of The Game This Year. Discover effective strategies to enhance your home's curb appeal with a spring refresh. Learn how to create a welcoming atmosphere that reflects the beauty of spring with our top designer tips. Get expert advice at for personalized exterior design solutions

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Punxsutawney Phil predicted an early spring this Groundhog Day! Let's get into all the ways you can refresh your home as spring begins to blossom! The changing seasons bring the opportunity to refresh and revitalize. In this guide, we'll explore a range of strategies to enhance your home's curb appeal, from cleaning and painting to landscaping and lighting. These simple yet effective tips will not only elevate the visual appeal of your home but also contribute to a sense of pride and joy every time you approach your front door.

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Spring Cleaning

Spring is the perfect time to breathe new life into your home's exterior. Start by giving it a thorough cleaning—pressure wash the siding, clean the windows, and sweep the porch. This simple step instantly brightens and freshens up the appearance of your home. If your home's exterior is showing signs of wear, consider a fresh coat of paint. Choosing a new color can transform your home, giving it an entirely new look and boosting curb appeal.

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Entryway Refresh

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As the season of renewal and rejuvenation unfolds, a revitalized entryway sets the tone for a fresh start. Picture vibrant floral wreaths adorning the door, welcoming guests with bursts of color and fragrance. A clean doormat underfoot, perhaps adorned with a playful seasonal motif, invites a sense of warmth and hospitality. Incorporating potted plants or hanging baskets bursting with greenery not only adds visual appeal but also infuses the air with the crisp scent of nature. 

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Front Door 

Your front door is a focal point, so upgrading it can make a significant impact. A fresh coat of paint, new hardware, or even a completely new door can enhance your home's overall aesthetic. Adding some landscaping is another way to add vibrancy. Planting colorful flowers and shrubs, along with mulch or decorative rocks, creates a polished and inviting look.

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Lighting is key for a welcoming entrance. Consider adding new fixtures to brighten up your entryway and walkways. Eco-friendly options like solar-powered lights not only enhance your home's appeal but also contribute to sustainability. Refreshing your home's exterior is a rewarding project that increases both curb appeal and property value.

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Enhancing your landscaping with fresh mulch and flowers is a fantastic way to add color and texture in spring. Choose the right type of mulch that complements your home's exterior, considering color, texture, and durability. Before planting, prepare the soil by removing weeds and adding compost or fertilizer for optimal plant growth.

When selecting flowers, consider those suited to your climate that complement your home's exterior. Mixing different types of flowers adds variety and visual interest. Plant each flower with care, leaving enough space between them to prevent overcrowding. Once planted, spread the mulch evenly to retain moisture and prevent weed growth.

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Regular watering is essential to keep the soil moist and promote healthy plant growth. Follow these steps, and you'll have a beautiful, inviting exterior that showcases your home's unique charm.

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Grooming your landscaping in the spring ensures a neat and tidy outdoor space. Start by cleaning up debris accumulated over the winter—rake leaves, pick up sticks, and remove dead plants. Spring is also an ideal time to prune trees and shrubs, shaping them before new growth begins.

Define your landscaping beds by using a garden edger, creating a clear boundary between lawn and beds. Weed removal is crucial to maintain a clean appearance, ensuring the soil is ready for new growth. Adding a fresh layer of mulch not only suppresses weeds but also retains moisture in the soil.

Outdoor Seating

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As the weather begins to warm and the sun starts to shine a bit brighter, there's an undeniable allure to creating an outdoor seating area. It becomes a delightful project, brimming with anticipation for the upcoming seasons of spring, summer, and fall. Picture it: a cozy patio nestled under the open sky, adorned with comfortable chairs and perhaps even a hammock for lazy afternoons.

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Outdoor fireplaces crackle with warmth, casting a mesmerizing glow as dusk settles in. Patios adorned with twinkling lights create an enchanting atmosphere for evening gatherings with friends and family. From the simple joy of lounging in the fresh air to the conviviality of sharing stories around a flickering fire, every element contributes to the magic of outdoor living. And as the seasons change, this space evolves alongside, offering a sanctuary to soak up the joys of nature in its various forms. Truly, crafting an outdoor seating area is not just a task, but a delightful journey into the realms of comfort, beauty, and shared experiences.

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With Spring coming fast, now is the perfect time to start refreshing your exterior. From the simple yet effective steps of spring cleaning and entryway enhancements to the impactful upgrades of front doors, lighting, and landscaping, there are numerous ways to elevate your home's curb appeal. By incorporating vibrant colors, fresh scents, and inviting seating areas, you not only enhance the visual charm of your property but also create a welcoming atmosphere that fosters a sense of pride and joy every time you step outside. So, embrace the spirit of renewal and embark on this rewarding project to transform your home into a beautiful haven that mirrors the blossoming beauty of spring.

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